You Don't Have to Tent Your Home
The state of California might want you to but California Termite will do everything in its power to help you avoid the hassle of tenting your home.
Tenting requires:
- Leaving your home for three nights.
- Bagging everything ingestible that’s not factory sealed.
- Trimming back the vegetation surrounding your home.
- Racking back the gravel surrounding your home.
- The involvement of the gas company to shut off and restore your home’s natural gas.
- Fumigators on your roof which could cause roof damage.
- Lodging for you and your tenants.
- Exposing your home to possible break in.
Tenting does kill everything but it leaves no residual protection. When the tent comes down, termite swarmers could attack your home the very next day.
California Termite utilizes the latest technology to strike termites where they live. Termites can’t taste or smell the substances we utilize. They’re a communal insect – the workers that chew the wood also feed the queen and the soldiers. If the workers chew the treated wood they’ll distribute it and it will kill them all. The material we use has a long residual, so it will protect the wood for years.
We don’t use orange oil. Termites can taste and smell orange oil, they tend to avoid it, driving them further into your wood. Orange oil dissipates quickly, so it doesn’t offer long term protection. Worse of all, it’s flammable.
Our process begins with a thorough inspection. All of our inspectors are licensed by the state and complete hours of continual education.
Termite inspectors that push fumigation tend to take shortcuts. They’ll justify their actions because they know tenting is the most comprehensive treatment available. Just because they don’t want to crawl to the far side of your attic shouldn’t mean you should need to prepare your old aunt Sarah for a hotel stay.
California Termite inspectors will probe every piece of accessible exterior wood. We’ll crawl your attic, navigate your crawl space and look for termite droppings in your garage and under your eaves. Afterwards, we’ll show you our findings, including photos of anything we discovered in your attic or crawl space. All of our findings will be documented in a formal termite report.
If we don’t think we can solve your termite problem with local treatments, we’ll explain why. At least you’ll know you tried.
If tenting is the only option, a California Termite professional will walk you through the process. And with our warranties and follow up inspections, you shouldn’t need to tent again.